
Tired of Overpaying for ​Home Services?

Find and hire trusted local professionals for home ​maintenance needs - quickly, easily, and affordably.

Groupr lets you team up with Your Neighbors & Save ​on Home Maintenance and Improve​ment Projects!

Neighborhood Houses Silhouette
Trust icon

Group Booking ​Discounts

Verified Local ​Professionals

Affordability, affordable, cash icon.

Affordable and ​Fair Pricing

Schedule Line Icon

Hassle-free ​Scheduling


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App Store


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Google Play

We Get It. Maintaining your Dream Home Shouldn't Be So Difficult.

Knowing which services to schedule annually and finding reliable, affordable home service professionals can feel ​overwhelming and stressful.

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Researching when to do which services

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Other apps selling your info to multiple pros

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Questionable reviews and inflated prices

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Endless scrolling through online listings

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Pros showing up on your door selling deals

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No-shows and shoddy workmanship

It's enough to make you want to give up on maintaining your dream home altogether. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Groupr is here to change that!

Groupr offers a blueprint of essential home services for maintaining your dream home throughout the year.

Our network of local professionals are trusted, background-checked, and recommended by neighbors.

Ready to experience the difference?


Your Neighborhood’s Network for Home Improvement!

Watch How Groupr can help save time and money on your essential home service needs!


Mute icon

to Unmute

Why choose Groupr?

Groupr enables neighbors to combine service requests for better quotes from local ​professionals.

Unlike other platforms, your information is never shared with a pro until you choose to!

Groupr lets you create a trusted pro directory for your community, simplifying scheduling ​for years to come.

Hassle-Free icon line vector illustration

Simplified Process

Groupr streamlines finding ​and scheduling with ​reliable and community ​recommended ​professionals.

House For Reduced Price Glyph Icon

Reduced Prices

Groupr aggregates ​requests from your ​community to obtain ​discounted quotes from ​highly rated pros.

Trustworthy Rating icon

Trustworthy Pro’s

Groupr registers only ​verified licensed pros, ​highly rated by your ​neighbors to provide ​quality service.

How is Groupr ​different?

Groupr simplifies the entire process ofgetting home services done, providing a ​user-friendly platform with clear ​information, community recommendations, ​and step-by-step guidance.

We believe every home owner should ​have the means to maintain their homes - ​affordably!

Feature Comparison



Only After

Quote Accepted

Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.
Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.
Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.
Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.
Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.
Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.
Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.


Tr​ansaction Fees



Cancel Sign
Cancel Sign
Cancel Sign
Cancel Sign
Cancel Sign
Check Mark. Check Mark Icon.
Cancel Sign

Contact initiated with Pro

Background checked Pros

Co​mmunity Provider Directory

Neighborhood Discounts

Smart Notifications & Reminders

Hassle Free Scheduling & Rescheduling

In-app Chat Module

Priority Support

To take advantages of all these features and many more, download our app for free!

Groupr makes home services stress-free & hassle-free

Simply download the app

Post a Request

Know what you are looking for, ​just post your request in the ​community and let the app gather ​interest from your neighbors.

Join Interest List

If you like what your neighbors are ​getting done, just show interest by ​signing up on their request.

Someone in your community has ​opened a request for Aeration. ​Would you like to sign up?

Select Q​uote

Groupr obtains the quotes from its ​network of locally trusted and highly ​rated - neighbor recommended pros ​for you to select from!

Sc​hedule Service

Schedule your service along with ​your neighbors but as per your conv​en​ience and availability!

Enjoy Best Price, Quality Service from ​Trusted Professionals!


Easier with the Mobile App

Your neighbors are waiting for you! Download t​he app and start earning today!!

Trust & Safety

  • Background-Checked Pros
  • Verified Reviews & Ratings
  • Community Referred Pros


  • Location-Based Search
  • Multiple Service Categories
  • Community Booking

Privacy First

  • Your data is never shared
  • In App Chat module
  • I​n App Support module

Features that lets ​you focus on



No more researching pros on websites ​that sell your data.

No more stressing about unreliable & ​unqualified pros entering your house.

No more ‘free quotes’ call from ​untrusted and random professionals.

Don’t take it from us!

Don’t be left out! Join us today!

Read what our users are talking about...

Quotation Mark

We love supporting local ​businesses, and Groupr ​makes it simple to find the ​best home service pros for ​our neighborhood. Highly ​recommended if you like to ​save money & support local ​businesses.

Mandy Frankey

Quotation Mark

I was nervous about hiring a ​contractor for my lawn needs, ​but Groupr's background-​checked pros gave me peace ​of mind. The fact that my ​neighbors are using the same ​provider, makes it even more ​better. The results are ​stunning!

Mi​ke Schultz

Quotation Mark

I haven’t been finding time to ​research a good duct cleaning ​service. But when I saw my ​community was getting a ​discounted rate through Groupr, ​I jumped on it. Groupr is not just ​helping save money but also ​valuable time for a busy home ​maker like me.

Anita De​shpande

Expression Mark Caught Attention Illustration
Doodle Handdrawn Design Element
Star doodle illustration
Handdrawn Doodle Oval

How to Use


Handdrawn Felt Marker Rectangle
Post a Request

Create a service request ​in the app to receive ​quotes from pros.

We never share your info ​unless you choose to!

Organic Text Placeholder Circle


Light Bulb Idea Illustration
Hand Drawn Boy on Working on Laptop
Hand Drawn Girl Saying Hello to Her Online Class
me too
Organic Text Placeholder Circle


Handdrawn Felt Marker Rectangle
Join interest list

Join in any open request ​made by your neighbors.

More Signups = More Savings!

Organic Text Placeholder Circle


Handdrawn Felt Marker Rectangle
Accept A Quote

Select bids from ​community preferred ​pros or other highly ​rated local pros!

Hand Drawn Girl Wearing Workout Clothes Typing on Laptop
Retro Star Testimonial Rating
Affordable Deal Sticker Vector Icon
Calendar Flat Icon
Hand Drawn Girl Writing on Tablet Computer
Doodle Handdrawn Design Element
Organic Text Placeholder Circle


Handdrawn Felt Marker Rectangle
Sit Back Relax

Receive reminders ​about your scheduled ​service. Let the pro ​take care of your ​home needs!

Expression Mark Caught Attention Illustration
Organic Text Placeholder Circle


Handdrawn Felt Marker Rectangle
Schedule Service

Hassle-free scheduling ​and simplified ​payments with the pro ​of your choice!

Doodle Handdrawn Design Element
Hand Drawn Mental Health Day Activities Phone Full Body
Organic Text Placeholder Circle


Handdrawn Felt Marker Rectangle
Rinse Repeat

Loved the service?

Rate & add the pro to ​your community ​registry to save time ​searching next time!



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